Setbacks will occur. Sometimes minor, sometimes painful. Your ability to deal with them effectively is what will make you a top trader.
You should develop an on-site and a personal re-focusing plan incorporating the following:
- Return to basics, follow your game plan.
- Focus only on the target or the immediate step in front of you.
- Reassure yourself that you have trained and are ready, for example, “I am experienced and capable”
- Remind yourself of your best performances and recall the feelings and focus associated with them.
- Remember that your goals are realistic – all you want is to perform to your capacity.
- Focus on doing what is right for you, rather than worrying about what is wrong.
- Imagine the perfect evaluation of your skills, then do what you are fully capable of doing.
- Remind yourself to stay in the moment. Forget the past, the other traders, or your P&L – the final score. Focus on doing your job.
- Remind yourself that it is just another trade or trading day.
- Do a careful post performance analysis of good and bad trades.
- Training and performance should be enjoyed. Embrace the development opportunities.