Skillsfirst Level 5 Diploma in Financial Trading (RQF) - Module 4 - Technical Analysis
Skillsfirst Level 5 Diploma in Financial Trading (RQF) - Module 5 - Psychology
Skillsfirst Level 5 Diploma in Financial Trading (RQF) - Module 6 - Risk and Money Management
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What’s Included:

Basic Technical Analysis

We now move onto the other side of analysis, TA is very important in trading and we explain the main types of basic analysis used in the market. Here you will learn about trends, the different chart types and support & resistance levels. Learn the basics well they will help you succeed as a trader.

Advanced Technical Analysis

This part dips into the more advanced areas of TA; because the application of advanced TA varies from trader to trader we decided not to completely spoon feed you with all the techniques. What we really want you to do at this stage is know the different technicals available and do your homework to further your knowledge.

The How To Do:

TA is a big subject, and a very important one and the learning here could last you a life time! Don’t sit back and just stick to what you have learnt go out and read books on TA, test them on the markets and start building yourself a strategy with what you have tested and learnt. Remember the most successful traders have found a niche by making strategies furthermore continually developing and adapting them, and there is no reason why you can’t achieve this with some hands on experience and hard work.

We Want You To:

Bear in mind that you will be using these techniques every day before you trade as part of you daily preparation routine. We have only touched the tip of the iceberg in this section, and the rest is up to you. There is a quiz on the basic technicals to help you spot what you have learnt on a chart.

After each section you will be asked to complete some helpful questions (in red) to help you with your understanding. Please note that these do NOT form part of the examination.