Skillsfirst Level 5 Diploma in Financial Trading (RQF) - Module 4 - Technical Analysis
Skillsfirst Level 5 Diploma in Financial Trading (RQF) - Module 5 - Psychology
Skillsfirst Level 5 Diploma in Financial Trading (RQF) - Module 6 - Risk and Money Management
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Most traders will have favourite indicators and likely some routine for using T/A but sometimes using a set of pre-defined T/A instruments are not enough to get a wider picture of a market. The goal is to understand that there are other factors that play a role in price movement and sometimes these are not generally well indicated by common standalone T/A. These methods can help to validate more common methods in your artillery. So how can we measure other influences?

TIME-BASED METHODS– A better measure of resistance and support resistance.
– Better data for showing overbought and oversold markets.
– Help Gain a better knowledge along with extremes within a trading day.
INDICATOR TYPES– Market Profile.
– Range Deviation Pivots.
– Volatility Time bands.
– Kase Peak Oscillator.


Market Profile is very efficient in understanding price action. MP is in short, a charting technique which links Price Time and Volume.

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