
Bull Markets

Introduction Bull markets are market trends that can be defined as the overall direction in which an asset or a market is moving. As a result, both technical and fundamental analysts keep a careful eye on market patterns. Bull markets are usually easy to trade since they offer some of the simplest trading and investment

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Bear Markets

Introduction What are bear markets ? The financial markets follow a pattern. To make smarter financial selections, it’s critical to grasp the differences between these patterns. Why is that? Different market trends, on the other hand, can result in drastically disparate market circumstances. How can you adjust to changing situations if you don’t know what

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Trading Crypto responsibly

Introduction Trading Crypto responsibly when buying or selling cryptocurrency should be your primary goal. Proper planning is a big part of trading responsibly. Making a trading plan can help you be more accountable for your decisions in the future. It’s great to practice to make sure you’re trading responsibly, regardless of how much you’re buying

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