
Trading Crypto responsibly

Introduction Trading Crypto responsibly when buying or selling cryptocurrency should be your primary goal. Proper planning is a big part of trading responsibly. Making a trading plan can help you be more accountable for your decisions in the future. It’s great to practice to make sure you’re trading responsibly, regardless of how much you’re buying […]

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What is blockchain, exactly A blockchain is a sort of database that is unique. You may have also heard the term distributed ledger technology (or DLT) — they refer to the same thing in many circumstances. A blockchain has some distinct characteristics. There are rules about how you can add data, and it’s nearly impossible

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Crypto Wallet

What Is a Crypto Wallet and How Does It Work? In a nutshell, a crypto wallet is a tool for interacting with a blockchain network. There are several different crypto wallets, which can be grouped into three categories: software, hardware, and paper wallets. They are sometimes known as hot or cold wallets, depending on their

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What exactly is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is a type of electronic cash. But, unlike the fiat currencies, you’re used to, it’s not governed by a central bank. Instead, Bitcoin’s financial system is managed by thousands of computers all over the world. Downloading open-source software allows everyone to participate in the ecosystem. The first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, was created

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