You can request a full refund up to ten working days* after confirmation that your purchase has been completed, provided the course has not started. Any request for withdrawal after ten days following purchase, or once the course has started, if approved, will receive a credit note which can be used towards paying for a future course. Credit notes are valid for four months after date of issue.
In such cases, 20% of the course fee will be charged as an administration fee.
Courses that cannot be continued or rescheduled will be refunded in full.
*Saturdays, Sundays or UK public holidays are not counted as “working days”.
You can request a full refund up to 10 days after paying for access to a course, provided you have not yet accessed the materials. Any request for refunds after 10 days following purchase, or once you have accessed the materials, will receive a credit note which can be used towards a future Stellar Education course.
Stellar Education will process the refund due to you as soon as possible and, in any case, within 30 calendar days of the day on which you requested it.
If you have any questions please contact us at info@stellareducation.co.uk