Richard Sharpe

Fibonacci numbers

fibonacci numbers

Fibonacci Numbers Fibonacci Numbers are a very popular tool among technical traders and are based on a sequence of integers identified by mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci in the 13th century. However, Fibonacci’s sequence is not as important as the mathematical relationships expressed as ratios between the numbers in the series. Ratios Fibonacci Numbers are used in […]

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trade execution

TRADE EXECUTION Quick Decisions Trade Execution is the completion of a buy or sell order for a security. The execution of an order occurs when it gets filled, not when the investor places it. Traders are frequently required to think quickly and make quick decisions, jumping in and out of stocks on a whim. They’ll need

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Short-selling Short-selling is a method of profiting from stocks that are dropping in value (also known as “going short” or “shorting”). In theory, short selling appears to be a straightforward concept: an investor borrows a stock, sells it, and then buys it back to return it to the lender. However, it is a sophisticated approach

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Blockchain – Advantages vs Disadvantages

Blockchain’s Advantages and Disadvantages The majority of blockchains are built as decentralised databases that act as distributed ledgers. These ledgers keep track of and store data in blocks that are arranged in chronological order and linked by cryptographic proofs. The development of blockchain technology has resulted in numerous benefits across a wide range of businesses,

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Bull Markets

Introduction Bull markets are market trends that can be defined as the overall direction in which an asset or a market is moving. As a result, both technical and fundamental analysts keep a careful eye on market patterns. Bull markets are usually easy to trade since they offer some of the simplest trading and investment

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