Ethereum ?

What exactly is Ethereum?

Ethereum is a platform for decentralised computing. It’s similar to a laptop or PC, but it’s not limited to a single device. Instead, it runs on thousands of machines worldwide at the same time, implying that it has no owner.
Ethereum, like Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, is a digital currency that can transfer. It can, however, do a lot more, including deploying your code and interacting with apps made by other users. Ethereum may be used to launch a wide range of sophisticated apps because of its flexibility.

Defined, Ethereum’s core notion is that developers can design and launch code that operates over a distributed network instead of existing on a centralised server. This means that these applications cannot be disabled or censored in theory.

What is the difference between Ethereum and the ether (ETH) cryptocurrency?

The units used in Ethereum are not called Ethereum or Ethereums, which may seem counterintuitive. The system itself is called Ethereum, but the currency that supports it is simply ether (or ETH).

What gives Ethereum its value?

We briefly discussed Ethereum’s ability to run code over a distributed system. As a result, third parties are unable to meddle with programmes. They’re stored in Ethereum’s database (the blockchain), and they can be coded to prevent the code from being changed. Furthermore, users can inspect the code before interacting with it because the database is open to anyone.

Therefore, programmes that cannot be taken down can be launched anywhere. Furthermore, because its native unit, ether, holds value, these applications can control how value is exchanged. Smart contracts are the programmes that makeup applications. In most circumstances, they can be programmed to work without human involvement.

What exactly is a blockchain?

The blockchain is at the heart of Ethereum; it’s the database that stores the data that the protocol relies on. You’ll have a good grasp of how a blockchain works if you’ve read our article What Is Bitcoin? Although the data it keeps – and how it saves it – is comparable to that of Bitcoin, the Ethereum blockchain is not.

It’s helpful to think of Ethereum’s blockchain as a book with new pages being added all the time. Each page is referred to as a block containing transaction data. We must include a special value at the top of the page when adding a new page. This number should allow anyone to see that the new page was placed after the preceding page, rather than being arbitrarily inserted into the book.


It functions similarly to a page number that refers to the preceding page. We can be positive that the new page follows the previous one just by glancing at it. We employ a method known as hashing to accomplish this.

Hashing is a technique that takes a piece of data – in our case, everything on our website – and turns it into a unique identifier (our hash). The chances of two bits of data producing the same hash are extremely slim. It’s also a one-way process: you can quickly calculate a hash, but getting the information that went into creating it is very impossible. In a later chapter, we’ll discuss why this is vital for mining.

We now have a system to link our pages in the correct order. Any effort to rearrange or remove pages from our book will reveal that it has been tampered with.

What’s the difference between Ethereum and Bitcoin?

Bitcoin uses blockchain technology and financial incentives to develop a global digital monetary system. It has made a few significant advances that allow users worldwide to coordinate without the necessity for a central party. Bitcoin enabled participants to agree on the state of a financial database in a trustless, decentralised environment by requiring each participant to run an application on their computer.

A first-generation blockchain is often referred to as Bitcoin. It wasn’t designed to be a complicated system, which is a plus in terms of security. It is purposefully rigid to prioritise security at the base layer. Indeed, Bitcoin’s smart contract language is relatively limited, and it doesn’t lend itself well to applications other than transactions.

Second generation

The second generation of blockchains, on the other hand, can do more. These systems provide for more programmability in addition to financial activities. Ethereum gives developers a lot more leeway when experimenting with their code and creating Decentralised Applications (DApps).

Ethereum was the first of the second-generation blockchains to emerge, and it remains the most well-known to this day. It has a lot of parallels to Bitcoin and can do a lot of the same things. However, behind the hood, the two are significantly different, and each has its own set of advantages.

What is Ethereum’s mechanism?

Ethereum can be thought of as a state machine. This simply means that you have a snapshot of all account balances and smart contracts as they now appear at any given time. Certain activities cause the state to be modified, which means that each node’s snapshot is updated to reflect the change.

Transactions are used to trigger smart contracts on Ethereum (either from users or other contracts). Every node on the network runs the contract’s code and records the output when a user transmits a transaction. It accomplishes this by utilising the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), turning smart contracts into computer-readable instructions.

A specific method known as mining is utilised to update the state (for now). Mining is carried out using a Proof of Work technique, similar to Bitcoin’s. We’ll go through this in further detail later.

What is a smart contract, and how does it work?

A smart contract is nothing more than code. The code isn’t smart, and it’s certainly not a contract in the usual sense. But we term it smart since it executes itself under certain conditions and might be considered a contract in the mind that it enforces agreements between participants.

Nick Szabo, a computer scientist, is credited with the concept he proposed in the late 1990s. He explained the concept using the example of a vending machine, claiming that it may be considered a forerunner to today’s smart contract. A basic contract is being fulfilled in the case of a vending machine. Users insert coins, and the device responds by dispensing a product of their choice.

This logic is applied in a digital world by a smart contract. When two ethers are transferred to this contract, you may specify something fundamental in the code, such as return “Have a nice day!”


The developer would code this in Ethereum so that the EVM could read it later. They then transmit it to a designated address that records the contract and publish it. Anyone can utilise it at that point. And unless the developer specifies a condition when writing the contract, it cannot be erased.

The contract now has a physical address. Users can interact with it by sending 2 ETH to that address. This will start the contract’s code, which will execute on all machines on the network, verify that the contract has been paid, and record the output (“Have a nice day!”).

The preceding is likely one of the most simple instances of what Ethereum can be used for. More complex applications that connect many contracts can – and have – been created.

Who is the inventor of Ethereum?

Under the pseudonym, Satoshi Nakamoto, an unknown developer (or group of developers), produced the Bitcoin whitepaper in 2008. The digital money landscape was forever altered as a result of this. A few years later, Vitalik Buterin, a young programmer, envisioned expanding on this concept and applying it to any form of application. Ethereum was created as a result of the notion.

Buterin proposed Ethereum in a blog post titled Ethereum: The Ultimate Smart Contract and Decentralised Application Platform, published in 2013. In his post, he suggested a Turing-complete blockchain – a decentralised computer capable of running any application given enough time and resources.

Only the developers’ imaginations will limit the types of apps that can be implemented on a blockchain in the future. Ethereum’s goal is to see if blockchain technology can be used in ways that aren’t limited by Bitcoin’s design.

What was the method of distributing ether?

Ethereum was created in 2015 with a 72 million ether supply. Over 50 million ether tokens were released in a public token sale known as an Initial Coin Offering (ICO). Anyone interested could purchase ether tokens in return for bitcoins or fiat currency.

What is the difference between The DAO and Ethereum Classic?

Ethereum has opened up new possibilities for open collaboration across the Internet. Consider DAOs (decentralised autonomous organisations), governed by computer code, much like a programme.

“The DAO” was one of the first and most ambitious attempts at creating an organisation. It would have been a self-contained venture fund of complicated smart contracts running on top of Ethereum. Token holders received an ownership stake and voting rights when DAO tokens were given in an ICO.

Malicious actors exploited a vulnerability shortly after the DAO’s inception, draining about a third of the DAO’s money. It’s worth noting that the DAO had 14 percent of the entire ether supply locked up at the moment. Needless to say, this was a disastrous occurrence for the Ethereum network, which was still in its infancy.


The chain was hard forked into two chains after considerable thought. The malicious transactions were essentially “reversed” on one chain, known as the Ethereum blockchain, to recover the funds. Ethereum Classic is the original chain where these transactions were not reversed, and immutability was retained.

The incident acted as a stark warning of the technology’s dangers and how committing vast sums of money to autonomous code might backfire. It’s also an intriguing example of how communal decision-making in an open setting can be complex. Despite its security flaws, The DAO perfectly demonstrated the potential of smart contracts in enabling large-scale, trustless collaboration over the Internet.

What is the process of creating new ether?

Mining was mentioned briefly earlier. If you’re familiar with Bitcoin, you’ll know that the mining process is crucial to keeping the blockchain secure and up to date. The same concept applies in Ethereum: the protocol compensates users who mine (which is expensive) with ether.

How many ethers do you have?

The overall supply of ether is estimated to be around 110 million as of February 2020.

Unlike Bitcoin, Ethereum’s token issuance timetable was not determined at the time of launch. Bitcoin set out to safeguard its value by limiting its supply and gradually reducing the number of new coins created. Ethereum, on the other hand, is designed to serve as a platform for decentralised apps (DApps). The subject remains open-ended because it’s uncertain which form of token emission schedule is optimal for this purpose.

What is Ethereum mining, and how does it work?

Mining is crucial to the network’s security. It ensures that the blockchain is updated relatively and that the network can function without the intervention of a single decision-maker. A subset of nodes (dubbed miners) devotes processing resources to solving a cryptographic puzzle in mining.

They’re hashing a collection of pending transactions with some other information. The hash must fall below a protocol-defined value for the block to be considered legitimate. If they fail the first time, they can change part of the data and try again.


Miners must be able to hash as quickly as possible to compete with others – we evaluate their power in hash rate. The challenge grows more difficult to complete as the network’s hash rate increases. Only miners must find the real solution; once that is known, all other participants can easily verify that it is correct.

As you may expect, hashing at high speeds indefinitely is costly. Miners receive a reward for helping to secure the network. It’s made up of all of the fees for the block’s transactions. They also get newly generated ether — at the time of writing, 2 ETH.

What is Ethereum gas and how does it work?

Do you recall our Have a nice day! contract ? It was a simple programme to run. It’s not even close to being computationally expensive. You’re not just running it on your own computer, though; you’re asking everyone in the Ethereum ecosystem to do so as well.
This raises the following question: what happens when tens of thousands of people are involved in complex contracts? If someone puts up their contract to loop through the same code endlessly, every node would have to run it. That would place too much burden on the system’s resources, and it would most likely fail.

Thankfully, Ethereum uses the concept of gas to alleviate this danger. Contracts cannot be executed without gas, just as your car cannot run without gas. Contracts specify the quantity of gas that users must spend in order for them to function properly. The contract will come to an end if there isn’t enough gas.
It is, in essence, a charge mechanism. The same principle applies to transactions: miners are primarily driven by profit, therefore transactions with a smaller fee may be ignored.

Ether and Gas

It’s important to note that ether and gas are not the same thing. The average gas price varies and is mostly determined by the miners. You pay for the gas in ETH when you make a transaction. In that way, it’s similar to Bitcoin’s fees: if the network is overburdened and many users are attempting to transact, the average gas price will almost certainly climb. If there isn’t a lot of activity, it will decline.

While gas prices fluctuate, each activity has a set amount of gas that must be used. Complex contracts, on the other hand, will use a lot more resources than a simple transaction. As a result, gas is a metric for computing power. It ensures that the system can charge customers a reasonable fee based on how they use Ethereum’s resources.
Gas is often less expensive than ether. As a result, we designate it with a smaller unit (gwei). One billionth of an ether is equal to one gwei.
You could run a software that loops for a long time to shorten a long storey. However, doing so quickly becomes prohibitively expensive. As a result, nodes on the Ethereum network can reduce spam.

Gas and its limitations

Assume Lucy is completing a contract transaction. She’d figure out how much gas she wanted to spend (for instance, by using ETH Gas Station). She could set a larger price to encourage miners to process the transaction as soon as feasible.
She will, however, set a gas restriction to protect herself. It’s possible that something will go wrong with the contract, forcing it to use more gas than she anticipated. The gas limit is in place to ensure that the operation will come to a halt once a certain amount of gas has been consumed. The contract will fail, but Lucy will not be required to pay more than she committed to pay.
It may appear to be a difficult topic to grasp at first. You can manually choose the price you’re ready to pay for gas (as well as the gas cap), but most wallets automatically handle it for you. In a nutshell, the gas price determines how quickly miners will process your transaction, while the gas limit determines how much you will spend.

What is the average time it takes to mine an Ethereum block?

The time it takes to add a new block to the chain is usually between 12 and 19 seconds. This is likely to change once the network switches to Proof of Stake, which intends to enable speedier block times among other things. Ethereum Casper Explained is a good place to start if you want to learn more.

What are Ethereum Tokens and How Do I Use Them?

The potential for users to build their own on-chain assets, which can be kept and exchanged like ether, is a big aspect of Ethereum’s attractiveness. Smart contracts define the laws that govern them, allowing developers to specify precise specifications for their coins. These can contain things like how many to print, how to print them, whether they’re divisible, fungible, and more. ERC-20 is the most well-known of the technical standards that enable the generation of tokens on Ethereum, and it is for this reason that the tokens are commonly referred to as ERC-20 tokens.
Token functionality provides entrepreneurs with a large playground for experimenting with cutting-edge financial and technological applications. There’s a lot of design flexibility here, from providing standard tokens as in-app payment to creating unique ones backed by physical assets. It’s possible that some of the best use cases for quick and cheap token production are yet to be discovered.

Not only a network

Unlike Bitcoin, Ethereum isn’t intended to be used only as a cryptocurrency network. It’s a platform for building decentralised applications and as a tradeable token, ether is the fuel of this ecosystem. So, the primary use case for ether is arguably the utility it provides within the Ethereum network.

With that said, ether can also be used similarly to traditional currency, meaning you can buy goods and services with ETH just as with any other currency.

Ethereum blockchain

Once data is added to the Ethereum blockchain, it’s almost impossible to alter or remove it. This means that when you make a transaction, you can think of it as it’s set in stone. So, you should always double-check if you’re sending funds to the correct address. If you’re sending a large amount, it might be useful to send a small amount first to be sure that you’re sending to the right address. With that said, due to a hack in a smart contract, Ethereum hard-forked in 2016, where the malicious transactions were effectively “reversed”. This, however, was an extreme measure to an exceptional event, and not the norm.

Are Ethereum transactions private ?

No. All transactions that are added to the Ethereum blockchain are publicly visible. Even though your real name isn’t on your Ethereum address, an observer might be able to connect it to your identity through other methods.

Can I make money from Ethereum ?

As it’s a volatile asset, you can make money with ETH just as you can lose money with it. Some people might hold ether for the long-term, betting on the network becoming a global, programmable settlement layer. Others choose to trade it against other altcoins. Still, both of these strategies carry their own financial risks. As it’s the main pillar of the decentalised finance (DeFi) movement, ETH can also be used for lending, as collateral for taking out loans, minting synthetic assets, and – at some point in the future – staking.

Some investors may only hold a long-term position in Bitcoin, and not include any other digital asset in their portfolio. In contrast, others may choose to hold ETH and other altcoins in their portfolio, or allocate a certain percentage of it to shorter-term trading (e.g., day trading or swing trading). There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach for making money in the markets, and each investor should decide for themselves what the most suitable strategy might be for their profile and circumstances.

What is the purpose of Ethereum?

Ethereum’s native currency, ETH, can be used as digital money or collateral. Many people regard it as a form of value storage, akin to Bitcoin. However, unlike Bitcoin, the Ethereum network is more programmable, allowing you to do a lot more with ETH. It may be used to power decentralised financial applications, markets, exchanges, and games, among other things.

What happens if I lose all of my ETH?

Because there are no banks involved, you are solely accountable for your funds. You can keep your coins in a wallet or on an exchange. It’s worth noting that if you use your own wallet, you must be very careful with your seed phrase. Keep it safe since you’ll need it to get your money back if you lose your wallet.

Is it possible to undo Ethereum transactions?

It’s nearly impossible to change or remove data after it’s been added to the Ethereum blockchain. This means that you can think of a transaction as being set in stone when you make it. As a result, you should always double-check that the payments are being sent to the correct address. If you’re sending a significant amount, it’s a good idea to start with a little amount to ensure that you’re sending to the correct address.
With that said, Ethereum hard split in 2016 as a result of a smart contract hack, effectively “reversing” the malicious transactions. This, however, was a drastic response to a one-of-a-kind occurrence, not the norm.

Is the Ethereum network secure?

No. All transactions added to the Ethereum blockchain are available to the public. Even if your personal name isn’t on your Ethereum address, an observer could use other means to link it to your identity.

Is it possible to generate money with Ethereum?

You can make money as well as lose money with ETH because it is a volatile asset. Some people may invest in ether in the long run, betting that the network will evolve into a global, programmable settlement layer. Others like to trade it against other cryptocurrencies. Both of these tactics, however, come with their own set of financial hazards.
ETH can be used for lending, as collateral for taking out loans, minting synthetic assets, and – at some point in the future – staking, as it is the main pillar of the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) movement.
Some investors may exclusively invest in Bitcoin for the long run, with no other digital assets in their portfolio. Others, on the other hand, may decide to keep ETH and other cryptocurrencies in their portfolio or devote a portion of it to short-term trading (e.g., day trading or swing trading). There is no one-size-fits-all way to make money in the markets, and each individual must determine what strategy is best for their specific profile and circumstances.

What is the best way for me to keep my ETH?

There are numerous ways to store coins, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Diversifying among the various available options, like with everything involving risk, may be your best bet.
Storage solutions can generally be classified as either custodial or non-custodial. You’re handing your coins to a third party with a custodial solution (like an exchange). To make transactions with your cryptoassets, you must first log in to the custodian’s site.
Non-custodial solutions are the polar opposite: you keep control of your money while using a bitcoin wallet. A wallet, unlike a physical wallet, does not store currency; instead, it stores cryptographic keys that allow you to access your assets on the blockchain. It’s worth repeating: if you’re using a non-custodial wallet, you must backup your seed phrase!

What does the Ethereum emblem and logo mean?

The first Ethereum logo was created by Vitalik Buterin. It was made up of two summation symbols that had been rotated (Sigma from the Greek alphabet). The final logo design (based on this symbol) consists of an octahedron, a rhomboid shape surrounded by four triangles. It could be beneficial for ether to have a common Unicode symbol, similar to other currencies, so that apps and websites can readily show ether values. The most generally used symbol for ether is, which isn’t as widely used as, instance, the $ for the US dollar.

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